Undergraduate Program
The undergraduate program in MESAS offers a wide range of courses on the languages, cultures, histories, and archaeology of the Middle East and South Asia. MESAS offers a comprehensive major and a minor in Middle Eastern and South Asian Studies, a major in Arabic Studies, and language minors in Arabic, Hebrew, Hindi, and Persian, a minor in Mediterranean Archaeology, and courses related to Tibetan Studies.
The majority of courses offered by MESAS are interdisciplinary in nature. The major in Middle Eastern and South Asian Studies offers, in addition to two years of language study, four multidisciplinary core courses, and draws on elective courses from departments and programs across Emory College of Arts and Sciences. Our distinctive curriculum philosophy privileges courses that cover regions and topics as a whole (e.g., Middle Eastern Literatures, Comparative Sacred Texts, Gender and South Asia) over those that address one language/ethnic area only.