Education Abroad
MESAS Education Abroad
MESAS encourages students to extend their learning of languages and cultures of the Middle East and South Asia, via education abroad programs, coordinated through Emory College (EC) Office of Undergraduate Education (OUE). A partial listing of programs appears below.
There are options for summer and fall/spring semester programs. Academic credit for related coursework varies and may be limited. Participating in these programs involves applying and planning months in advance.
Refer to the EC OUE Education Abroad website and contact their Advisors, for more information regarding specific programs and the application process, including eligibility requirements, policies and procedures, due dates, etc.
You may also discuss your interests with the MESAS Director of Undergraduate Studies (DUS) and/or the MESAS Language Coordinators.
Opportunities for Education Abroad – A Partial List
University Based Programs
Al Akhawayn University; Ifrane, Morocco
Hebrew University; Jerusalem, Israel
Tel Aviv University; Tel Aviv, Israel
School for International Training (SIT)
SIT Morocco: Human Rights, Social Justice and Cultural Transformation; Rabat, Morocco
SIT Jordan: Refugees, Health and Humanitarian Action; Amman, Jordan
SIT IHP: Human Rights: Movements, Power and Resistance; Amman, Jordan
SIT India: Public Health, Gender and Sexuality; New Delhi, India
SIT IHP: Health and Community: Globalization, Culture and Care; New Delhi, India
Additional Opportunities
Emory Tibetan Mind/Body Sciences; Dharamsala, India and Karnataka, India