Minor in Middle Eastern and South Asian Studies
MESAS offers a minor with two possible tracks, either Middle East or South Asia. The requirements in each track include a core course, two language courses, and two or three elective courses.
Minor in Mediterranean Archaeology
The Mediterranean Archaeology Program brings together courses that deal with the material culture of peoples from the Mediterranean basin, ranging from the Ancient Near East to the classical world and from the earliest times to late antiquity. The Program aims to provide context and background for philological, historical and cultural explorations taking place in other academic programs. Three distinct areas are represented in the course offerings: the classical world, Egypt, and biblical archaeology. The requirements for the minor attempt to reflect each of these areas.
MESAS Language Minors
MESAS offers undergraduate language minors in Arabic, Modern Hebrew, Hindi, and Persian. Students typically obtain a language minor by completing the first five courses in the respective language sequence (101, 102, 201, 202, and 301) and either 302 or an approved course in the literature of the particular language. Students with previous knowledge of a language may obtain a minor by taking one course at their present level of proficiency, three additional courses above their present level, and one approved course in related literature.